Goodbye Besaid, Hello Balmung!

As promised, server merges are coming to Final Fantasy XIV on Tuesday, March 27, 2012.

The plan originally presented earlier this month created widespread concern that communities would be broken apart.  It caused such an uproar that Square Enix had no choice other than to remove the original announcement and reassess the method in which it would be achieved.

The new plan promises to keep communities intact, yet gives players the freedom of choice.

Servers will be merged according to the system below, and will receive new names after the merge:

Server Merge

Players will also have the option during this time to apply for a server transfer.

Besaid will merge with Fabul, to form a new server called Balmung.  The majority of Besaid's communities have decided to move to Balmung, so I see no reason why Kindred should not head there with our friends, as well.

I hope everyone will be joining us.  See you on Balmung!

Read on for full details about the World merge and World transfers.

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